[an error occurred while processing this directive] Ventana Chapter - Club files complaint about Garzas Creek diversions
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Sierra Club

Club files complaint about Garzas Creek diversions

The Ventana Chapter and the Carmel River Steelhead Association have filed a formal complaint with The State Water Resources Control Board against Rancho San Carlos Partnership for harming public trust resources in Garzas Creek, a major tributary of the Carmel River. Rancho San Carlos is a sprawling luxury subdivision and golf course in the Santa Lucia Mountain range, southwest of Carmel Valley. Submitting testimony from hydrologists, fisheries experts and locals with knowledge of the site, the Chapter and Carmel River Steelhead Association are calling on the state to stop allowing Rancho San Carlos to divert water without a valid water right.

Garzas Creek is a vital link to protecting the steelhead population in the Carmel River and is an important fishery which is already Federally-listed as “threatened.” The State Water Resources Control Board has been allowing Rancho San Carlos to divert water without a water right. The complaint points out the harm to the river and asks that the diversions be stopped.

Members of Carmel River Steelhead Association have long engaged in projects to reduce steelhead mortality rates and promote the conservation of spawning habitat, and the Chapter has a longstanding interest in preserving the fishery and promoting habitat restoration.

When applying for their development, Rancho San Carlos proclaimed to Monterey County officials and the public that they had an independent water supply and would not harm downstream resources, the environment or other users by their well pumping or water management.

Past efforts to protect Garzas Creek have been unsuccessful. NOAA Fisheries, a Federal Agency, has noted that the current management of the creek may be having a significant impact on the listed steelhead population. NOAA Fisheries also expressed concern about the impact of Rancho San Carlos’ interception of springs which otherwise would flow to the creek.

For more information visit, www.carmelriverwatershed.org/Sierra_club_CRSA_garzas_protocol.html.

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